20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

Unilever a great client

The recent news of the threat of a Kraft takeover of Unilever reminded us of what a great company Unilever is but how sometimes even the best can get complacent.

We were delighted to see Kraft withdraw their offer to take over Unilever – because we have a rather personal attachment to Unilever for what it had given us early in our careers.

Sally had been a Unilever trainee and her first brand experience was on Domestos and Barry had been an account man on Sure deodorant, Pears soap, Signal Toothpaste.

There was something very special about Unilever. It looked after its people, it produced world class brands, it believed in great advertising. Dove is an excellent current example.

To achieve that it produced its own principles of good advertising. i.e.: What’s the consumer benefit? What’s the substantiation for that benefit? Who is your target market? What’s your tone of voice?

Unilever judged ideas based on these principles and created billion pound international brands like Persil, Sure, Magnum and many more.

The financial media said: “Unilever have learnt a lesson from this unwanted approach – not to be too complacent and to maximise their value in all ways”

It made us think about our worth and perceived value to our clients.


“Do you understand what you’re worth and how you can maximise your value?”


Posted by Sally Clare on Thursday, March 2nd, 2017 in FeaturesNews
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