20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

Zoom – looks matter but you need to have a story to tell

We’ve done a number of complimentary storytelling zoom sessions during the lockdown.


We’ve noticed over the weeks that everyone has become more relaxed, positioning themselves well in the zoom space and smiling too.


We’ve heard stories which have engaged and stimulated us. The delegate who spent over £300 on hire bikes – then decided to buy her own bike. (She was lucky she found one.) Another delegate told us that in the very early days of lockdown, he had tripped and fallen when out running. No one offered any help or support – they were too scared to get near him – so he walked home dripping blood.


Over the years, we’ve trained thousands of delegates – we can’t remember much of what they said apart from their stories – stories that bring back great memories of the day we spent with them.


Stories help make memories


Posted by Sally Clare on Friday, July 3rd, 2020 in FeaturesNews
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