20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

Move with the market

Sometimes the market you’re in goes through a bad spell. We’d like to tell you a true story about our early days. After a couple of years in business we realised we needed to go international as UK training budgets were shrinking.

How did we do this? We sent an attractive exploratory offer out to our contacts and Leo Burnett Europe were the first to bite. ‘Would we go and train anywhere?” They asked. Where was this leading, we wondered?  Somewhere no one else wanted to go?

Not at all. Their reply was Copenhagen. The date mid-summer’s day.  We couldn’t have started our international training in a better location or on a better day. After a successful training day, we went with our client to the Tivoli Gardens. It seemed half of Copenhagen was there celebrating mid-summer. The whole experience has left a lasting memory.

It was a great way to end the day and start a new working relationship with a major agency group. Since then we’ve worked for Burnetts in no fewer than 12 international markets!

 In the last 18 years we have worked in 27 countries. So whatever your business seek out international opportunities and contacts. We should all move with the market.



Posted by Barry Graham on Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 in FeaturesNews