20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

100% Guarantee


We have an offer from a cruise line wth a 100% money back guarantee if we don’t LOVE the cruise. 

We haven’t read the small print yet, but that’s a powerful offer. It also uses the word “guarantee” which is one of the 10 most powerful words you can use when you want to get an audience’s attention.

To get people to believe your guarantees you first need to gain their trust, which reminds us of a story told to us by our car rental client, Bob.

He had an 800 car rental contract which was up for renewal. His corporate client had to get three competitive quotes. Bob thought about it and when it was time to go in to present his quote he took in a blank sheet of paper. When the client turned over to see the clean white sheet he said “What’s this?”

Bob said “We’ve worked together successfully for many years. We trust each other. I normally write the numbers in but I know you have a number in mind which will secure the contract. Please fill it in”. The client did and Bob retained the contract.

We run a Persuasive Presentations workshop which we guarantee will help you sell yourself and your ideas to influential audiences. For more information click here


Posted by Barry Graham on Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 in FeaturesNews
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