20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

Book of stories

The new Spielberg movie “Lincoln” has 12 Oscar nominations and tells the story of President Lincoln’s final months in office as he battles to end slavery.What is shown in the movie is Lincoln’s ability to tell a story and to persuade his political opponents by story examples. He was a lawyer by profession and had spent 20 years travelling from one city to the next representing clients. Every case was a new story and every city had its own stories and characters.
When arguing a case in court, Mr. Lincoln never used a word which the least educated juryman could not understand.Rarely, if ever, did a Latin term creep into his arguments.
A lawyer, quoting a legal maxim one day in court, turned to Lincoln, and said: “That is so, is it not, Mr. Lincoln?”
“If that’s Latin” Lincoln replied, “you had better call another witness.”
When standing for re-election in 1864, Lincoln’s supporters put together a book called “Old Abe’s stories”. Since there was no mass media it was the best way to reach and engage the people. He was re-elected in 1864, won the Civil War and abolished slavery. A “storybook” is as relevant today as it was then. When are you going to start yours?

Posted by Barry Graham on Monday, January 28th, 2013 in FeaturesNews
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