20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

Can lockdown set you free?

We ran a couple of online storytelling sessions last week and we asked everyone to tell us how their working lives had changed since lockdown.

The overall feedback slipped into two camps.

1. The pace of work had slowed – the benefit being, everyone had more time to think, an opportunity for some self-reflection and time to clear their head.

2. In order to cut back on interruptions from zoom and the like, people were making their own judgements and completing a piece of work before seeking feedback.

There is no doubt that everyone misses the human contact.

But it appears that some isolation benefits us – in our personal well-being and our effectiveness in our jobs.

Lockdown can set you free


Posted by Sally Clare on Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 in FeaturesNews
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