20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

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Graham Norton the UK TV host in his recent book, “The Life and Loves of a He Devil: A Memoir”, tells the story of how when he first came to London in the late 80s his first job was a waiter in Covent Garden. He claims it made him a better person.


“I think it makes for a better everybody. Not only do you become a nicer person to waiters in later life, but you learn how to read people. You discover how easy it is to be nice, how easy it is to be a s****, how easy it is to avoid being a complete s****.”


It doesn’t cost you anything to be nice to someone but it can cost you your reputation and business if you’re not.


The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and to influence their actions.”  John Hancock



Posted by Barry Graham on Monday, January 26th, 2015 in FeaturesNews
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