20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

Stories – use your own, they’re always the best

Use your own stories – they’re more powerful, authentic and you can remember them more easily. When you tell your own stories, you ‘re-live’ them again for your audience. As a result you will become more animated and you’ll allow more of the real you to show. People buy people remember and to hear a personal story will help your audience to connect with you. Stories inspire. Slides don’t. However imaginative you are with your images, charts or typeface, you’ll never hear anyone telling a colleague about the ‘amazing powerpoint presentation’ they’d just seen. But you’ll certainly hear people re-telling a story that inspired them. And they’ll be recalling that story in years to come. Look for the metaphor to help you find the right story to make your point. The right story will help you to communicate for example, new ideas, complicated principles, painful truths in a succinct and engaging way.

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a metaphor is worth a thousand pictures” Lakoff & Johnson, ‘Metaphors to live by.’


Posted by Sally Clare on Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 in FeaturesNews
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