20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

We’re all in sales now

One of our favourite David Ogilvy’s quotes is:
“The more people trust you, the more they buy from
you.” He should know this because his first job was
selling Aga cookers door-to-door in Scotland in the
1930s in the depression.
To learn more about how you can become a better
salesperson there’s a new book by Daniel Pink:
“To sell is Human” ISBN 978 0 857786 717 9 which drills deep
into the benefits of why we should all be able to sell.
It’s a good read, full of first-hand evidence from around
the world of people who were able to sell time and time
again and why trust is central to it.
He reveals the three qualities that are now most
valuable in moving others – “Attunement, Buoyancy,
and Clarity”. He finishes off with what to do – “Pitch,
Improvise, Serve”. It’s a good read – we recommend it.

Posted by Barry Graham on Monday, April 29th, 2013 in FeaturesNews
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