20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

The Power of Silence [or when to shut up

Have you ever considered just how powerful silence can be?

Talking with colleague and friend Paul Allen, we recently got onto the subject of when to shut up!

Paul is a social media consultant and trainer working in marketing communications. He started life as a radio presenter and recalls his early presentation training which urged him to concentrate just as much on what he didn’t say …as what he did say!

Our first tip to presenters is always to stop before starting to speak so their audience can get the feeling of them and get comfortable. The longer you can hold that silence the more you build up your gravitas.

Radio is a one-to one medium. Although you are talking to thousands of people on air, the key is to make each listener feel you are talking to them individually. Therefore it is vital that you pause occasionally to allow your audience to digest your content and reflect on what you have said.

So to become a great presenter you need to learn to say nothing.

Less really is so much more….


Posted by Barry Graham on Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 in FeaturesNews
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