20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

What’s your legacy?

I had never given much thought to leaving a legacy until an event happened last month which gave me one and I had never realised it.

I went to the 15th anniversary of a Toastmasters Club which I founded in 2000. It’s called Holborn Speakers. This wasn’t just my project alone I had 2 other toastmasters – Alison and Adrian – supporting me from the start.

I gave a speech at the anniversary where  I outlined why I started it. There was no club in Central London which started immediately after work (6.30pm) on a Tuesday night which had a welcoming, supportive and learning culture.

I hadn’t been back for 12 years and I found the club just as I had hoped – friendly, caring and successful.

Afterwards a previous president said “Barry, this is your legacy”

I took it as a compliment and realised that I had made a difference for the hundreds of aspiring speakers who had sought help from the club I founded. It made me want to go out and start another club in an area where one was needed.

Is there a legacy you would like to leave or have you created one already and don’t realise it?



Posted by Barry Graham on Thursday, July 16th, 2015 in FeaturesNews