20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

Storytelling for Business: "Facts tell. Stories sell"

When you tell a story, you bring your ideas to life.

Our 1 day Storytelling workshop provides a step guide to crafting stories and builds the confidence to use these stories to deliver impactful and memorable messaging.

In 20 years we have developed other outstanding workshops:

Conference Speaking Our One-to-one Coaching

Delegates tell us how much they benefit from two trainers in every workshop (Barry and Sally), meaning they get two objective perspectives on their stories and presentations.

Barry Graham and Sally Clare of Speakers' Corner

Latest Blog Posts

And the wall came tumbling down

Whatever the current working practices we need to help our clients to prepare for a future. Our professionalism and theirs will be at the core of everything. Are we performing at our very best?


by Barry Graham

Does anybody want some FREE on-line training?

A recognised way of showing colleagues how much they are valued is to offer training.


by Sally Clare

Heard any good sayings recently?

The idea of a ‘soundbite’ is nothing new – and has been scorned by many – however a good saying can ‘say it all’ in a memorable and succint way.


by Barry Graham

Lady in Waiting – a personal story

We always enjoy hearing personal stories. Nothing beats a story from someone who is prepared to share their highs and lows, make fun of themselves and admit their vulnerability.


by Sally Clare

A lesson in leadership – the story of a barista

What’s it lke in your office? Is it as friendly and supportive as we know it should be? But when did you last complement someone – anyone?


by Barry Graham

How many languages do you speak?

A tale from our trip to Amsterdam to run a Storytelling in Business one day workshop.


by Sally Clare