20 years of storytelling for business by international trainers and storytellers Speakers' Corner
International trainers and storytellers

Audience is King

Never approach a speech or presentation thinking it has only limited appeal. You can always introduce them to your ‘Bigger Picture’ and make them glad they heard what you had to say. Every member of your audience should feel their time with you was well spent.

You have less than 30 seconds to succeed

If you don’t grab your audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds you may as well sit down. That might sound harsh but it’s a good starting point for all presenters. So if you read no further, remember the golden rule of presenting: “Begin with the end in mind”.

Giving a presentation is a performance which you need to prepare for and which you need to prepare your audience for. They need to be made ready and eager to hear your message. To do this you always need an impactful opening which resonates with their thinking.

We’ve taught over 6,000 delegates in 27 countries to sell themselves and sell their ideas to influential audiences, whether in a conference room or on a conference stage. So here are our top tips to help you become one of those presenters who makes a memorable impact.